Who likes staying at home?
With the pandemic of the Coronavirus putting restrictions on travel, churches, business meetings etc, it has definitely prohibited us from our fast-paced American schedule. Many of us have been forced to spend some extra time at home.
While that may be frustrating to many, I for one am grateful. I truly believe God is allowing this time to get us to STOP and be silent for a bit.
There is a lot that happens in silence. In fact, I think some of the greatest lessons are heard when things are still and quiet.
The Psalmist said it this way: “Be still, and know that I am God.” There is a reason for our stillness, and it goes way beyond recharging our batteries. God wants to show us something of Himself during this downtime, but it hinges on our being content with stopping. No plans, no productivity, no “trying to get ahead of the curb,” only trusting this downtime is God-given and part of His work in you.
Here are a few things to make the most of this downtime.
1. Rest in Him
You can definitely become restless after just five minutes of news media. You are being thrown into every direction with the lastest news and updates, and some directions are not so good considering the source.
So what can be done in all this chaos? Who do we listen to? Jesus said, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)
Soul rest is dependent upon a Person, not your circumstance. Take some time and turn the TV off, put your phone in another room, and listen to what He has to say about all that’s going on. We’ve heard what everyone else thinks; why not ask Christ what He thinks and rest in every word?
2. Talk with Your Family
So much can happen in a family when there is healthy communication. It’s sad that so many families can live under the same roof and become so distant from one another. Everyone retires to his own little cubical (usually in front of a screen), and the extent of household conversation consists of a rushed “Good night!”
This extra time away from the pressures at work could be invaluable to your family. Do an activity together or play a game. Make a fancy dessert and have a movie night. Do something that would initiate conversation or laughter. Let your family know that when the whole world stops, they are what matters.
3. Be an Encouragement to Someone
Often during difficult and abnormal times we tend to contract to what self needs. We delve into self-preservation mode and go inside our little bubbles. This is why many people have rushed to the store and hoarded all they can get, disregarding the needs of others. The fear of going without is a daunting one, and it moves many idle hands to hoarding.
Christ never intended for His children to live this way. In fact, Christ set the perfect example of selflessness as He hung on an agonizing cross, asking John to care for the needs of his mother.
Our hurt should never hinder our help. Uncomfortable circumstances do not negate the believer from his responsibility to care for those in need. Whose life could be different today because of you? What resource has God given to you for the sole purpose of someone else’s benefit? Text or call someone today. Share an encouraging word with them. Be a blessing where God has planted you.
I don’t know about you, but I want to make the most of this downtime. God has ordained the time slot for us, and I pray we will all discover a richer relationship with our Savior because of it. You do not have to be down because of this downtime. God will see us through.
“This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24)