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What Are Your Prayer Prompters?

Writer: Tyler A. RobertsonTyler A. Robertson

Several years ago, I had a preacher friend of mind teach me the value of prayer prompters—looking for visual reminders to help prompt me to pray. He said whenever you see 333 remember this verse,

“Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” (Jeremiah 33:3)

Look on gas station sign, license plates, credit card numbers etc. Wherever you are, stop what you are doing pray.

Since that time I have started to look for other things that prompt me to pray:

  • Prayer lists are probably the most common prayer prompters, but get creative! Put sticky notes on you mirror or write on the shower walls with a dry-erase marker.

  • Wedding invitations—pray for the couple getting married. Pray Gods protection over their purity and that the Lord would have His way in the home.

  • Christmas cards—pray for the family every time you go the fridge. (And if you like to eat like me then your prayer life will certainly grow.)

  • When you see a certain type of car on the road that someone you know drives, pray for that friend.

  • When you buy a gift for a friend, pray as you wrap it or place it in the gift bag.

  • When you see an ambulance or fire truck heading to the scene of an accident, pray for the ones involved.

Of course, I don’t do all of these all the time but they certainly are great reminders to keep the conversation going with Jesus throughout my day. I think so often our prayer life consists within the boundaries of self-betterment and gain. Our prayers can be so shallow can’t they?

  • “Lord give us a good day today.”

  • “Lord bless us today and watch over us.”

  • “Lord, meet our needs today.”

These are all great things but specificity gives God the opportunity to be specific in His answer. And instead of always praying for personal things, I’ve learned that sometimes the greatest moves of God in my life are when I am interceding for someone else.

Intercessory prayer is a lost privilege to the Christian whose world revolves his own needs.

What are your prayer prompters? How can you intercede more often for others?

Comment below of one thing that helps you keep the conversation going with the Lord throughout the day.




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